The Latin American Library

4th floor
Howard-Tilton Memorial Library

The Latin American Library (LAL) is a welcoming place of learning. We work to generate scholarly community, building on the historical connections between New Orleans and the Americas. By responsibly collecting, preserving, and providing access to historical and contemporary resources on Latin America, the Caribbean, and diasporic communities, the LAL strives to be central to the processes of discovery and dissemination of knowledge at Tulane University. As a global resource, the LAL facilitates the advancement of scholarship about the region by providing information and services to researchers and the general public in the New Orleans area, nationally and internationally.

The LAL's doors are open to K-12 students and educators. We have dedicated instructional librarians who work with teachers to craft lesson plans that engage students with our physical and digital collections (books, manuscripts, images, databases, and more). Each class visit responds to the particular instructor's learning objectives. Contact to learn more!